A Major Grand Slam Home Run for StoryTel Foundation!!!
/Our latest video premiered this weekend. On Friday it played at a fund raising dinner, and Saturday it played as part of an event with Fr. John Corapi at the Qwest Center.
After Father John Corapi's 3rd talk of the day on the topic of "Spiritual Warfare," 9,000 people watched "ON ASSIGNMENT: St. Peter Catholic Church, Restoring the Sacred in Omaha" (A 15 minute program that is now a fundraising film soon to be expanded into a documentary for EWTN) on 2 big screens down front and 3 jumbotron screens dead center arena today!
The crowd was tired after three one hour talks by this great preacher but they watched and listened closely, became emotionally involved when we hoped they would, and at the very end they laughed when we wanted them to laugh, and they followed up that laugh with a big round of enthusiastic applause! A collection was taken up, from this crowd (who had already paid $30 a ticket to get in) during our the showing of our new film and the ushers who did the collecting credit our film with keeping people in their seats long enough to donate and inspiring them to give big time to give more.
No final report on the collection but one supervisor is estimating in the neighborhood of $20,000 right now.
On Friday night we showed the new film at a $500 a plate VIP Fundraising Dinner attended by 160 VIPs, including Father Corapi in the audience. It was a huge hit at this event as well.
All proceeds from ticket sales for the entire event go to help Saint Peter Parish with the interior renewal of this great old church. There is so much more to report on this but there simply hasn't been time to get to you with information because we've been too busy editing to meet this deadline. Here's the video and we'll post pictures from the event soon.
THANK YOU to our all of our StoryTel Foundation donors for helping to make this happen!