The Pope May Watch Our Saint John Cantius DVD

Well, maybe. 

This week Don and our film crew interviewed Archbishop Raymond Burke for a full hour for our in-progress episode of On Assignment about Miles Christi. The Archbishop, soon to be Cardinal, was recently appointed to the office of Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, a Vatican position equivalent to that of Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. So, just interviewing him at all was a big deal. 

The shoot went well, and he even gave us more time to interview him for our longer term project about the Real Presence, since he also happens to be a board member and spiritual director for the Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association.

Don told me that his mother made him promise to give the Archbishop a copy of our Saint John Cantius documentary, but Don decided to do one better. He gave him two DVDs. He asked him, if he thought it was good enough, to please give the second copy of the video to the Pope. Archbishop Burke said he would.

Cool, huh?